Change Of Channel Partner (COCP) & Partner of Record (POR) explained

October 4, 2023

In this blog, we delve into the Change of Channel Partner (COCP) process and the importance of having a Partner of Record (POR), while demonstrating how BeSharp Experts can provide valuable guidance to ensure you make the right decisions.

Understanding the Microsoft Change of Channel Partner (COCP) process

Microsoft offers customers the opportunity to switch from one Licensing Solution Provider (LSP) to another using a Microsoft Change Of Channel Partner (COCP) form. In this blog, we delve deeper into this procedure and how BeSharp Experts can assist you in making the right choices.

In the past, processing a COCP form took 30 days before the transition to a new LSP was activated, but at some point, this was changed to 90 days.

What is the actual reason behind this change? Some argue that Microsoft aims to discourage LSPs from poaching each other’s customers through a COCP form. Therefore, they chose to extend the COCP period to 90 days.

If you want to change LSPs and do not submit a transfer request at least 90 days before the end of your current agreement, the newly chosen LSP will miss out on a significant portion of rebates. This results in the need to make your collaboration profitable in alternative ways. Therefore, initiating your transition in a timely manner is crucial if you wish to change LSPs.

The importance of a Partner of Record (POR)

Assigning a Partner of Record (POR) to your Microsoft subscriptions can bring significant benefits. A POR is the partner that assists you in designing, building, implementing, and/or managing a Microsoft solution for a specific service. It doesn’t necessarily have to be the partner who sold you the subscriptions.

Microsoft states that by assigning a Digital Partner of Record to, for example, your Office 365, Intune, or EMS subscription, your partner is empowered to better serve you and help optimize the use of your services for your desired business outcome by monitoring usage and consumption data. This is entirely accurate, but did you know that the chosen POR receives substantial rebates from Microsoft?

How BeSharp Experts can assist you

We can assist you in selecting the most suitable Microsoft Licensing Solution Provider (LSP) through our Vendor Selection service. Together, we can market your request and, after selecting a shortlist of potential partners, an objective evaluation will take place based on the criteria you’ve set. Ultimately, this results in a collaboration with the most suitable partner. This can bring significant financial benefits to you, as the chosen reseller receives rebates from Microsoft that can be subject to agreements.

BeSharp Experts can provide you with insights into the various earning models of software resellers, creating room for fair agreements on price and quality. The ultimate goal is to ensure that the reseller’s service aligns with the compensation they receive from Microsoft.

For more information on how BeSharp Experts can assist you, please feel free to contact us. We are here to support you as an independent specialist in making all possibilities transparent so you can make well-informed decisions.