Smart utilization of 2nd hand licenses

June 29, 2023

In the ever-changing landscape of software licensing, the Usedsoft case against Oracle is renowned for its groundbreaking ruling that has shaped the possibilities and rights surrounding the resale of second-hand licenses. This significant legal battle, which took place in the European Union, addressed the question of whether software licenses can be resold, much like physical goods. The verdict? Yes, they can!

The Usedsoft ruling confirmed that the exhaustion principle applies to software licenses, allowing rightful owners to resell their used licenses to third parties. This groundbreaking decision has had far-reaching consequences, not only for companies seeking to maximize the value of their unused licenses but also for independent license advisors like us.

As an independent license advisor and experienced negotiator, we are well acquainted with the intricacies of software license transactions and can guide you through the entire buying or selling process.

How can we assist you:

Support for the sale of surplus licenses:
We provide comprehensive support in selling your surplus licenses. Our first step is to generate a detailed overview of the surplus (Microsoft) licenses that are currently not in use or are projected to be unused in the near future. By leveraging our international network of distributors, we ensure that these licenses are offered to reliable buyers who follow the proper process. Through thorough due diligence, we strive to achieve the highest possible return for your surplus licenses.

Support for the purchase of second-hand Microsoft licenses:
If you need to acquire second-hand (Microsoft) licenses, we are here to help. Our experts conduct a thorough inventory analysis to identify the specific licenses you require. Utilizing our extensive network of international distributors, we locate these licenses and ensure that the entire procurement process adheres to rigorous due diligence. Our goal is to minimize your costs by obtaining the necessary licenses at the most competitive prices.

By partnering with us, you can benefit from our extensive network of international distributors, all of whom adhere to the correct processes when buying your surplus licenses or selling second-hand licenses to you. This network ensures that your transactions are conducted safely and in compliance with legal and ethical standards.

At BeSharp Experts, we have years of experience supporting such buying or selling endeavors, knowing precisely how the process should unfold, ensuring compliance, and determining market-conforming prices.

Contact us today to unlock the untapped potential of your surplus licenses or obtain cost-effective second-hand Microsoft licenses. Let’s optimize your software license strategy together and create more value for your business.