Optimize your Microsoft licenses and cloud subscriptions

October 2, 2023

In the world of IT spending, optimization is the key to success. Too often, we see organizations investing excessively in Microsoft licenses and cloud subscriptions without fully utilizing the available functionality. This leads to unnecessary costs. But there’s good news – by taking simple steps and considering some key advice, you can achieve savings and avoid expenses.

Step 1: Optimization of O365/M365 user profiles

A crucial first step towards cost-saving is a thorough evaluation of your current licenses and subscriptions. Take the time to analyze which licenses you currently possess, who uses them, and which features and apps are truly essential for your organization. This evaluation provides valuable insights into where potential savings lie and which licenses may no longer be necessary. We often see organizations using overly comprehensive suites, resulting in unnecessary costs. By assigning the right licenses to the right users, you can save immediately.

Step 2: License management

Another common issue is the emergence of non-compliance due to improper license management during the hiring and departure of employees. Failure to register leads to non-compliance and the risk of legal issues and reputational damage. Failure to unregister means you’ll be paying for subscriptions you don’t use, resulting in unnecessarily high licensing costs. A thorough inventory and an automated license management system can prevent this.

Step 3: Eliminate growth and consolidate

An excess of different licenses and subscriptions can be confusing and costly. By removing redundant licenses and consolidating them, you can achieve significant cost savings.

Step 4: Negotiations and contracts

A thorough assessment of current usage and future needs for the next 3 to 6 years provides an opportunity to prepare negotiations tailored to actual requirements. Collaborating on a strategy for price negotiations and contract terms sets the foundation for reaping financial benefits after the negotiations conclude. With one of BeSharp Experts’ negotiation experts, you can then renegotiate a (new) agreement based on the best possible pricing and conditions. Our negotiators have extensive experience and a deep understanding of what is achievable and what is essential to achieve the best outcome.

Step 5: Stay vigilant about usage after the new contract

Negotiating favorable prices and terms is an excellent start to a 3-year contract. However, it’s important to realize that this doesn’t automatically mean complete control over license growth and compliance. License rules often change, and if you’re not dealing with them daily, you risk license growth and compliance issues.

It’s crucial to remain constantly alert to possible license growth and compliance issues, even after the agreement is signed. At BeSharp Experts, we offer StaySharp Managed Services, the solution to help you minimize this risk and ensure you remain in control without incurring unnecessary costs. Stay proactive in management and monitoring to avoid unexpected expenses.

As part of our StaySharp Managed Services, we also conduct an annual review of the execution of your previously planned roadmap. Have all products been used as originally intended, or have there been changes or delays? This helps ensure that your IT investments are maximally utilized, and no resources are wasted on unused licenses.

Do you have questions about this topic or would you like more advice? Feel free to contact us directly to discuss the possibilities.

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