Insights from AI: The importance of independent advice on Microsoft software and licenses

December 13, 2023

In the complex world of Microsoft software and licenses, understanding the essential role of independent advice is invaluable. In this article, we pose several questions to AI to elucidate why independent advice is crucial.

Independent advice and Microsoft: A critical alliance

We commence with a direct question to AI: “What makes independent advice regarding Microsoft software and licenses so crucial?”

The answer is enlightening. Independent advice ensures that organizations select the most suitable licensing model based on their needs. This not only prevents unnecessary costs but also promotes compliance and optimal utilization of Microsoft products. Moreover, an independent party can provide neutral and customized recommendations solely focused on the client’s benefit, without being influenced by sales goals or partnerships.

The challenge of ‘independent’ in a partner landscape

In a world with Microsoft Licensing Solution Providers (LSPs) and other Microsoft partners, the term ‘independent’ can often be misleading.

Therefore, we ask AI the question: “When can an organization consider itself independent, especially when advising on Microsoft software and licenses while also selling licenses and maintaining a partnership with Microsoft?”

The answer is clear: the label ‘independent’ should only be applied to organizations without a direct financial interest in license sales and without conflicts of interest with partnerships. A genuine independent party prioritizes the client’s interests and provides transparent advice without hidden agendas.

Background rewards: The invisible influence on objectivity

Another crucial aspect when evaluating independence is the impact of background rewards (rebates).

We ask the question: “How can background rebates influence the objectivity of advice, especially with LSPs and system integrators being rewarded by Microsoft?”

The answer highlights that these rewards can influence the objectivity of advice, necessitating organizations to be aware of potential advice bias due to financial incentives. Background rewards, such as those based on the revenue from closed deals and extra bonuses for selling strategically important Microsoft products, can affect the objectivity of advice. LSPs may have a financial incentive to promote specific license agreements, even if they are not optimal for the client. Independent license specialists, like BeSharp Experts, have no financial flows with Microsoft, ensuring an objective approach that prioritizes client interests.

Effective negotiations: The power of independence

When it comes to negotiations on Microsoft licenses, the choice of an advisor is crucial.

We ask AI: “Why is it more effective to involve an independent party in negotiations compared to a Microsoft partner?”

An independent party, such as BeSharp Experts, is stronger in negotiations as they have no direct dependency on Microsoft for their revenue. This means they can negotiate more assertively without compromising the relationship with Microsoft. In many cases, this assertive approach is appreciated by Microsoft, as it demonstrates that the client is taken seriously and is willing to strive for the most favorable conditions.

Conclusions from the interview

By choosing a fully independent advisor, organizations can be confident that they receive advice based solely on their unique needs and objectives, without the influence of hidden interests. This is essential for making informed decisions regarding Microsoft software and licenses. Considering background rewards is a crucial step in ensuring fair and transparent advice for your organization.

While LSPs often claim that rebates have been reduced, the fact remains that significant amounts are still earned through the relationship with Microsoft. This financial aspect can influence negotiation dynamics, as partners may not negotiate at the cutting edge, reinforcing the need for independent advice. System integrators, rewarded for advice and implementation of specific Microsoft solutions, may be inclined to recommend solutions that align with their own reward structure.

Choose independence and pave the way for a strategic partnership with Microsoft, where your organization retains control over its future in the digital world.

Get personalized advice!

Curious how independent advice from BeSharp Experts can help optimize Microsoft software and licenses for your organization? Contact us today for a free consultation. Our experts are ready to discuss your specific needs and provide tailored advice. Improve efficiency, save costs, and maximize the value of your licenses – start your journey to success with BeSharp Experts. Our expertise, your success!